Posts tagged Sinfonietta
Pearl of the Brook (Scarlet Symphony mvt. 3)

April 2024 (for sinfonietta)

The third movement of The Scarlet Symphony, sinfonietta version
for the Albany Symphony’s “Orchestrating for the 21st Century” workshop (June 4-9, 2024)

A wild child’s erratic ballet that spirals out of control.

"O brook! O foolish and tiresome little brook!” cried Pearl, after listening awhile to its talk. “Why art thou so sad? Pluck up a spirit, and do not be all the time sighing and murmuring!” But the brook, in the course of its little lifetime among the forest-trees, had gone through so solemn an experience that it could not help talking about it, and seemed to have nothing else to say. Pearl resembled the brook, inasmuch as the current of her life gushed from a well-spring as mysterious, and had flowed through scenes shadowed as heavily with gloom. But, unlike the little stream, she danced and sparkled, and prattled airily along her course."

- Nathaniel Hawthorne (The Scarlet Letter)

Recording coming soon!

Yuri LeeSinfonietta